The Economy and Childcare

We need to expand vocational education to create good-paying tech and trade jobs and invest in small businesses and entrepreneurship. I’ll fight for universal childcare and pre-K for our kids' development and so parents can go to work.

Housing and Quality of Life

Housing prices are rapidly increasing. I’ll fight to ensure that housing stays affordable for Central MA residents by increasing homeownership opportunities and rental assistance. I’ll secure funds for road and sidewalk repair and snow plowing.

Schools and Young People

I’ll pass legislation to expand the curriculum to include STEM, financial literacy, the arts, civics, and social-emotional health and wellness. We need to invest in youth jobs for high school students and affordable after-school and summer programs. 

Public Safety and Health Care

We need to focus police resources on violent crime, while also investing in common-sense prevention strategies. We must address the opioid crisis, and ensure truly affordable, accessible health care, including mental and reproductive health.

Environment and Public Transit

As climate change devastates our region, we need to invest in renewable energy, protect our open spaces, and create good-paying green jobs. We must expand WRTA service and ensure it is reliable and fare-free to save people money while stimulating the economy.

Honest and Transparent Government

You deserve to know how your elected officials vote. I’ll always be accessible, transparent, and accountable to you. I’ll fight to invest in small businesses in our community, not give millions of dollars in tax breaks to big corporations.